Question & Answers

What’s the benefits in our drinks?

Our drinks give you the energy and necessities you need to go on through your day. You ever wake up and struggle to get out of bed and you just didn’t get the sleep you deserve or if your throat is sore and raspy, were just selling magic at this point, our drinks will have you sounding like opera and you’ll be up and running wondering why you’re not ordering more.

Are the ingredients fresh?

Never seen anything fresher when it comes to SimSim.

How long does it take to go bad?

When refrigerated (which is best) a couple months but if left out than a 2 weeks at most.

If you have any more questions please contact simsimdrinks@gmail.com

Our Story

Have you ever wondered why vegetables and fruits play an important role in our lives? Well, lets start with Ginger Shots. I know the name “Ginger Shots” may seem a bit intimidating, but hear me out, Ginger shots are a popular wellness beverage that may provide health benefits. Ginger and other shot ingredients like lemon juice may help reduce inflammation, soothe digestive issues, and enhance immune function. They are claimed to help ward off illness and boost your immune system. Have you ever had to stay home because you were sick and missed your favorite day in work or in school? Well, let’s just say our Ginger Shots can help you fight off any kind of cold you go through and help your immune become stronger. Our Ginger Shots have helped many people in recovering from colds. And it can help you too. Just trust me, take a shot and your immune system will be in top notch.

Let me tell tell you about our story. Sit down, relax and listen. Covid has not only affected my life, but also millions across the world. Medicine couldn’t help, nothing helped. My family were scared by Covid and thought we couldn’t do anything about it. And the only way for us to be safe from the pandemic, was to clean literally everything. We cleaned everything that entered our house and everything inside the house. One day I got sick and we were all scared. I had to stay quarantined inside my room. One night my grandma had given me ginger with orange, turmeric, cayenne pepper and lemon. I thought it would be like those pinkish looking medicine and that I would hate it. But to be honest it didn’t taste as bad as I thought and it really did its job. And I had to drink it everyday. From that day forth, me and my family drank it everyday and it really helped us a lot. Ginger Shots helped us and it will help you to.